It’s no secret that today’s social media-driven world, we’re flooded with trends that push unrealistic beauty standards for all genders.

  • 📲”Mewing” for a sharper jawline
  • 📲 Anti-aging products for young girls
  • 📲 Perms for “The Flow” or “Mop Cut”
  • 📲 Obsessive workout routines
  • 📲 Ozempic & weight loss
  • 📲 Airbrushed filters

These trends can create a false sense of what beauty should be.

When newsfeeds show overly edited photos, kids and teens (and let’s face it, even mature adults!) can easily feel pressured to measure up. The worst part is that it can lead to low self-esteem, disordered eating, and even body dysmorphia—an obsessive focus on perceived flaws in appearance.

As a parent, it’s normal to worry if your child is overly focused on their appearance.

Fortunately, one particular counseling technique, called Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), helps teens accept themselves, embrace their unique beauty, and build true confidence. ACT teaches them to accept their feelings and commit to actions that align with their values, reducing the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards and fostering a healthy, lasting self-image.

If you’d like to learn more about Acceptance & Commitment Therapy or to schedule, contacting us at [email protected] or (847)-919-9096 x1.