Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (trichotillomania, skin picking, nail biting, cheek biting, etc.)

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB’s for short). BFRB’s can look like skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, cheek biting and more. Anxiety can make us do many things, often mindless things, to comfort ourselves. Habit Reversal training is a type of therapy focused on learning relaxation exercises and increasing awareness of cues for body-focused behaviors.
Sometimes these behaviors can feel embarrassing and are easily misunderstood. People often blame themselves and feel like they should just “stop it.” Many people suffer in silence, but you are not alone.
Good news, there is help for these behaviors! Through a technique called habit awareness training (HRT), a trained clinican can help you, or your child, develop alternative responses.
It is very possible to feel free from these behaviors. Give us a call and we can develop a plan for you so these behaviors don’t cause physical damage to your appearance or emotional damage to your confidence.