Anxiety Therapy

Find your peace of mind. Experience freedom from worry. Overcome stress & worry with anxiety therapy.

Your mind is running like a hamster on a wheel. Your thoughts race from one to the next. Even if you get a lot accomplished, you never feel “done.” You know anxiety and stress are hard on your body. It’s hard on your relationships. You may even have anxiety about your anxiety.

You are very aware that your anxiety holds you back from being the best version of yourself. That’s why you are taking action, doing research, and seeking help in the right place to free yourself.

You are smart. You are accomplished. Most people probably have no idea that you wrestle with constant worry, second-guessing all your decisions. You leave a conversation and replay it in your mind over and over. You wish you could have spoken up, said something different, or just nothing at all.

You may find yourself experiencing physical symptoms that you can’t understand. You worry sometimes you’re dying. You may have trouble sleeping. You get short of breath, dizzy, seeing spots, fainting, hands shaking, having a full-on panic attack. Worst of all, these physical symptoms seem to come out of nowhere and don’t make sense to you.

You’re managing the best you can. You’re hanging on.

But, you don’t have to manage alone. With support & counseling, your life can be so much better.

Live Life Without Anxiety Making Everyday Tasks Harder Than They Should Be. Our Professional Counselors are Here to Help. Call Today to Ease Your Anxiety.

The benefits you’ll see from doing anxiety therapy at Inspire:

– You will feel heard and understood
– You will learn what “triggers” your anxiety and how to manage those “triggers”
– You will begin to feel in control of your life
– You will start to feel freedom and peace
– You will be able to be present with the people you love
– You will feel confident in your decisions
– You will feel confident in yourself
– You will be empowered to say no or speak up for yourself
– Your relationships will be more satisfying
– You will know you matter, just for being you

What does the counseling process look like?

The counseling process is designed to help you understand how anxiety holds you back so you can live your best life. Together, with your therapist, you will learn research-based tools to manage things that “trigger” your anxiety, reduce any unpleasant physical & emotional symptoms, and ultimately feel confident, empowered & free to enjoy your life.

The first session will be approximately 60 minutes. There will be paperwork to complete and questions the therapist will ask to get to know you, your history, and your present situation. The second session is our unique formula for goal-setting. In this session, you will connect the desires of your goals with your heart and deeper desires. The remainder of the sessions will then be working on skills to tackle your anxiety and any obstacles in the way of you living your best life. In order to see lasting results, a commitment to at least 8 weekly sessions is best. We are flexible and can work with different situations. However, to make an impact, it is important to recognize that change of any kind, requires attention and time. After your 8 sessions, you can work with your therapist to determine the next steps (reducing therapy to biweekly/monthly or terminating).

How much does therapy cost?

Counseling is a fee-for-service program. Inspire accepts insurance and offers in-network and out-of-network benefits. We are in-network with BCBS PPO, Humana, Aetna, and UnitedBehaviorHealthcare. We recommend at least an 8-week commitment to begin seeing lasting results.

All billing policies and information can be found by clicking this link to our Rates & Insurances page.

About Inspire Counseling Center

At Inspire, we don’t just focus on clinical symptoms holding you back (anxiety, depression, ADHD, relationship troubles, etc.). We want to INSPIRE you to live your best life. Our goal is that every client leaves a better person.

Why? We believe you are a gift to this world. We believe that inspiring one person to live their greatest life, will inspire another person. We believe the world will change with love, connection, and inspiration. One person at a time. Your role in this process is vital. When you get support for yourself or your family, you are doing your part in this community and world to spark change.

Take the next step. Start living your best life. Don’t wait any longer!

To schedule an appointment call (847) 919-9096 ext. 1 or email [email protected].

How do I choose my Therapist?2024-01-24T17:27:07-06:00

You are welcome to search therapists by speciality type, location, service or insurance accepted by clicking here. 

We’re here to hold your hand! Choosing a therapist is a very personal experience. Scrolling through bios is helpful, but there’s a lot you can’t tell just by reading on the internet. Our Therapist Matchmakers are here to find the right fit with the right professional for your unique situation and personality style.

To talk to a LIVE human (and part of our Inspire intake team!) just call us at (847) 919-9096 ext. 1 or email [email protected]

We can’t wait to help you find the right match and get you started!! It’s our favorite part.

What will the first session be like?2023-10-25T02:13:43-05:00

The first session lasts approximately 60 minutes. You’ll have paperwork to complete virtually before your session. The therapist will spend time introducing themselves and getting to know you, your story and your dreams. At the end, you’ll have the option to schedule your next session based upon your availability and goals. There is no pressure to book another session. We’re here for you to come and go as you need.
FOR MINORS UNDER 18: If the session is for a child 12 years or younger, the first session is just with the therapist and parent (s) or guardian. If the client is 12-18, we ask that a parent (or guardian) attend the first session for the first 10-15 minutes. The parent will be able to meet the therapist and help make the child feel comfortable.
PLEASE NOTE: Please share any concerns about your child with the therapist or Intake Team prior to the session— not in front of your child in the session. This is to protect your child and foster a positive start to therapy!

What will all the other sessions be like?2023-10-25T02:14:39-05:00

The second session is our unique formula for goal setting. In this session, your therapist will help you connect and understand what your heart really wants in this life. The remainder of the sessions will then be working on skills to tackle any obstacles in the way of you living your best life. In order to see lasting results, a commitment to at least 8 weekly sessions is recommended. However, we are flexible and can work with you to accommodate your schedule and goals.

FOR MINORS UNDER 18: Parents will not be required to attend the sessions but must be available for the last 10 minutes of the session in case the therapist would like to touch base with you or for any scheduling changes.

How much does therapy cost?2023-10-25T02:16:18-05:00

Counseling is a fee-for-service program. Inspire accepts insurance and offers in-network and out-of-network benefits. We are in-network with BCBS PPO, Humana, Aetna, and UnitedBehaviorHealthcare. All billing policies and information can be found by clicking this link to our Rates & Insurances page.





Take the Next Step

Request an Appointment

Allow me to introduce you to Tim Mauery, MHP, Northwestern clinical intern. Tim has a beautiful and challenging story that led him to counseling at Inspire. 

If you looking for someone who really "gets it", Tim brings clinical tools, but also personal ones in life, marriage and parenting, He knows how firsthand lost and discouraged it can feel when your kids or family are struggling.

Tim is a devoted husband and father of 3 daughters (and two female dogs!), who has lived in the Chicagoland area for more than 25 years.  Prior to becoming a therapist and getting his second Master's Degree, Tim was studied human behavior through advertising and consumer insights. 

Tim was compelled to become a therapist  after seeing the life-changing results of counseling for his own family. 

In 2016, his youngest daughter, who was an elite athlete, experienced a traumatic brain injury at the age of thirteen. Mental challenges accompanied her physical injury.

Though the next 8 years, they explored a variety of treatments to lessen his daughter's physical and emotional pain. 

They navigated residential programs, therapeutic boarding schools, inpatient psychiatric units, wilderness programs, substance abuse programming, executive functioning training, transitional and sober living programming, Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP).

Individual and family counseling were a cornerstone for their recovery. Through counseling, his family not only survived--but became stronger and closer. 

That is the sole reason he changed his professional path and dedicated his next chapter in his career to helping others through life’s challenges.

While Tim and his family endured challenges they never have imagined possible. He knows it is possible to heal and grow through even the darkest times. 

He has a unique perspective (as the only male in his entire household!), and loves supporting men, parents, couples and families to navigate finding their new normal. 

To schedule an appointment with Tim, call (or text) 847-919-9096 or
Had a blast speaking today at @northwesternu course for the Principles of Entrepreneurship! 💜💜

Such bright, engaged students with awesome questions!! 

I vulnerabily sharing the mistakes, lessons and bumps in the road that led Inspire to where it is today. 

It’s an honor to be able to serve the community and share some of the invaluable lessons I’ve learned on this journey. 

Some of my top lessons:
- the road to where you want to go is a windy path. It may seem like you’re going in the wrong direction, but if you keep moving and growing you’ll get there.
- make friends with mistakes, they teach you more than anything else
- always look to add value and make other people look good and feel happy 
- who you surround yourself with matters, choose kind and positive people 
- what you do today matters, every choice you make moves you toward your goals or away (even if you can’t see it at first) 
- look to delight & surprise people with excellent work 
- act as if everyone sees everything 
- if you want to be noticed, act in the best interest of your group or organization, not yourself 
- get support from people you admire, guides, mentors, coaches, therapists - have someone in your corner to encourage you, help you navigate challenges and give honest feedback
Why do so many boys and men suffer in silence? 🤔

Research shows over 6 million men suffer from depression every year. However, only 16% of men in the U.S. received mental health treatment or counseling in 2022.

💪One of the hurdles males face is the fear of judgements (their own or other's) about counseling. They don't want to be a burden, feel embarrassed, don't want to appear weak. 

💪The other challenge is that males often show symptoms differently for depression. 

Typically, people associate the feeling of sadness with depression. However, according to Mayo Clinic, for many males, sadness is NOT the main symptom.  Headaches, digestive problems, tiredness, irritability or long-term pain sometimes can be symptoms of depression. So can feeling isolated and seeking distraction so that you don't have to deal with feelings or relationships.

Other depressive symptoms for Males may look like:

➡️Physical symptoms (headaches, digestive problems, and pain)
➡️Escapist behavior (spending a lot of time at work or sports)
➡️ Irritability, Anger or aggressiveness 
➡️Alcohol and/or drugs
➡️Risky behavior (reckless driving)
➡️Controlling, violent or abusive behavior
➡️Noticeable changes in mood, energy level, or appetite
➡️Difficulty concentrating, feeling restless, or on edge

At Inspire, we are proud to be serving a GROWING number of males (of all ages!). 

This week we'll be highlighting some of our own male therapists who are proudly helping support other males in the community.
Halloween seems like an innocent, fun holiday--but it can bring up social anxiety, hurt feelings and panic as kids choose their costumes, trick-o-treating groups and plans.

Every year our phones ring with upset and concerned parents. But, the halloween hurt feelings is not talked about enough. We are here to help if Halloween is more *tricky* than a treat this year.

So, why does Halloween bring up so much turmoil?

One of the trickiest parts of Halloween is the fact that you can dress up or go trick-o-treating by yourself, with one friend, 20 friends or more. There is no minimum, no limit, no tickets, no assigned seating, no teachers or helpers–it’s mostly a kid run event. If you’re left out, there is no real logistical reason. 

If you think your child might be getting left out:

🧡Check in with yourself. Ask yourself how are YOU feeling? Knowing your own feelings helps regulate your brain to think more clearly.
🧡DON'T CONFUSE YOUR FEELINGS WITH YOUR KIDS FEELINGS. As parents, we're often more upset than our kids about situations--especially if you are friends with your kid’s friend’s parents. It is important to remember your feelings are not the same as your child’s feelings. 

If your child is, in fact, feeling sad, scared or left out, you can:

🧡Listen and validate their feelings. Naming feelings calms the brain and makes feelings less intense.
🧡Share a memory when you felt similarly. This normalizes and creates connection–which is what your kids need most in these situations. 
🧡RESIST SOLVING THEIR PROBLEMS. Ask your kid, “What do you think we should do?” While it’s tempting to text another parent, or make a plan to get your kid involved--it’s more empowering for your child to feel part of the solution in their challenges. If they see you fix the problem, that actually keeps them feeling helpless, relying on you to navigate challenges for them.

We know it's not always simple. We know every circumstance is unique and complicated. 

If you’d like a customized a strategy or plan to help, we're here. There's nothing that makes us happier than helping families thrive through challenges.
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