The struggle is real with screen time addiction.

As parents, it can be quite a challenge to manage and balance screen time for our kids. It’s not uncommon to see meltdowns and tantrums from kids (of all ages!), when we try to limit or take them away.

It’s particularly challenging because we didn’t grow up with this technology….or hardly any technology at ALL. Our kids can’t imaging not having internet, wifi, social media, interactive video games, let alone sharing a landline phone with our entire family!

Similarly, it can be tough for us parents to understand the immense social pressures our kids face of staying up-to-date on trends, likes, streaks, posts, games, and Facetime calls which rarely show kids faces, mostly just a camera pointed toward the ceiling fan.

We are living in a technology boom and a digital age where screens are part of everyday life. Even schools use iPads now for learning. It’s no wonder why our kids can become overly reliant on these devices.

📲Part of this addiction is linked to the developmental need for social connection and belonging. We live in an era where kids have access to their friends through these devices. While the need for friends and belonging are developmentally appropriate for kids, the need for screens is not as healthy.

Parents, we see you and we understand how challenging this can be. Our trained therapists have helped many families define their own boundaries with screen time. We offer support and guidance tailored to help your family.

Our experienced clinicians use therapeutic methods to address screen time dependency and help support parents and kids to implement effective strategies at home!

To find out more, or (847) 919-9096 x1. We’re here to support your family’s journey toward healthier tech habits! commit to actions that align with their values, reducing the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards and fostering a healthy, lasting self-image.

If you’d like to learn more contact us at [email protected] or (847)-919-9096 x1.